Category Archives: Gouache

Rubber Ducky in Gouache and iPad

While in Maine, Ceci and I stayed in an aging (i.e., inexpensive) resort hotel which had a beautiful waterfront view.  Another delight (for me, anyway — Ceci thought I was a bit nuts) was a cute little rubber ducky.  I couldn’t resist positioning him here, there, and everywhere around the room for a series of silly photos.  Later at home, I  memorialized him again by painting him in gouache and on the iPad.  Here are the paintings, followed by some photos:

I'm nuts!

I’m nuts!

love that fish pose!

love that fish pose!

Selected poses.

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Upcoming Juried Exhibit – Second Year Selected

I’m honored to have been selected again for inclusion in the second annual Hill Center Regional Juried Exhibition.  The judge this year is Philip Kennicott, Art and Architecture Critic for The Washington Post.  Here’s my painting, one of 65 works selected from over 450 works submitted by almost 100 artists.  I must admit – I was surprised!

Fall on the C & O Canal

Blazing Canal.  Gouache on Paper.


Sneak Peak at Paintings I’m Hanging in the Weekend Exhibit

Here’s a new painting I made in gouache a few weeks ago — thinking it would appeal to people who love the C & O Canal as much as Pat and I do.  It’s based (loosely) on a photo I made last Fall on one of our walks.  Pat can’t get much exercise when I’m constantly ‘braking’ to take shots like these!

I decided to hang mostly gouaches this time, with only singles of oil paintings and iPad giclees.  (There will be many more matted & backed in the bins, though, along with lots of greeting cards printed with some of my favorite paintings.)  Remember:  Saturday & Sunday noon to 5, with reception from 6 to 8pm on Saturday.  Yellow Barn Studio, at Glen Echo Park.

Now, here’s a look at the other pieces that will be framed and available to bring home at show’s end:





Then Ceci and I Took A Gouache Workshop

Two days after the portrait workshop, Ceci and I drove over to Easton, MD for another workshop, this time at the Easton Studio & SchoolBernie Dellario, from Washington DC, was teaching a two day workshop on how to travel and paint with dried gouache.   It was Bernie’s first time teaching, but he “nailed it”.  Great demos, excellent circulation among the group of painters, and on-point feedback made for a great two days.

Here’s one of Bernie’s colorful demos (only partially finished because he wanted to save time so we could paint):


One of my paintings:


And here’s one by my sister Cecilia.  I love it!


The group had such a good time during the workshop that we unanimously decided to keep in touch AND even start a blog to record our gouache progress. Check it out:  Marks and Remarks: Gouache and consider subscribing.