Category Archives: iPad Paintings

Rita’s Portrait ~~ Session Five: More Home Work, using the iPad

I had made good progress during my work based on the reference photograph, but I decided it wasn’t good enough.  As a way to visualize changes that might improve the painting, I decided to do a mark-up on the iPad, using a side-by-side comparison with the reference photo.

markup of portrait using iPad

markup of painted portrait, as a result of side-by-side comparison with photo. iPad screenshot.

I cropped the photo included in my September 8th post and imported it digitally into the ArtRage app on my iPad.  I then ‘painted’ over the portrait area, trying to remedy the problems I identified in the painting.  This was a freehand process, done by ‘eyeballing’ the photo reference.  ArtRage is not able to make measurements for a closer comparison of the two images.

I like this markup as well as the final painting — if not more!  The ability to easily edit iPad marks liberates me from feeling that each (potentially incorrect) modification is ‘permanent’.  Playing around with the marks often yields spontaneous and interesting ideas that I would never have attempted initially in oils.

Even though I liked the resulting mark-up, I knew it would still be a challenge to implement these ideas in oil paint on the actual painting.


Biloxiana Sketches ~ in Line at the Waffle House

at a Biloxi Waffle House

At a Biloxi Waffle House.  original iPad painting.

On our last visit to Biloxi, we grabbed a bit of breakfast goodies at one of the many local Waffle House restaurants.  We didn’t really believe they’d have us seated within five minutes — given the long lines of seated and standing wanna eat patrons.  But the efficient staff delivered in fine style.  Here’s my iPad take on the scene.

Biloxiana ~~ Misty Morning Pines ~~ A New Series of iPad Images

misty island morning, with pines

Misty island morning, with pines.  original iPad painting.

I’ve begun a new series of iPad paintings to reflect scenes of my native Biloxi, Mississippi and surrounds.  This one is based on a photo made by my niece Ceci one misty morning on Horn Island.  More to come.

Painting/Padding the Neighbors’ Weeping Cherry Again

Beautiful Memorial Day weekend, leisurely breakfast at the kitchen table, spotting a bird flitting away from the weeping cherry next door. Just had to do a quick celebratory iPad painting of the tree — now decked out in its full greens, beautifully offset by the juicy dark shadows under the flowing branches. Have a good, peaceful and remembering weekend.


Weeping Cherry. original iPad painting.

Paint the Kitchen Table. Paint the Kitchen Sky.

Yesterday I read an interesting post by Daniel Gerhartz about the hubris of ‘needing’ to paint a grandiose image, while neglecting the “profound, staggering elegance of the subject right before my eyes”.

outside my window on a drowsy spring day.  original iPad painting.

matching trees and white clouds outside my window on a drowsy spring morning. original iPad painting.

He’s talking my walk.  I love looking at everything in my path.   Right before seeing Dan’s post I had been mentally composing an image based on the condiment bottles before me on the kitchen table.

The sunlight was falling ‘just so’ on the tops of their caps, making stair-steps of light down through the bottles shaded by the window will.  It would make the perfect line drawing or a juicy value painting.

salt and pepper, mirrored.  original iPad painting.

salt and pepper shakers, meeting their match in the napkin holder. original iPad painting.

And looking up and out the window I noticed that distant treetops were the same yellow-brown-green as my neighbor’s weeping cherry, now that its flowers had fallen.  And gorgeous clouds were slowly sweeping across a strong blue sky.

In honor of Dan and the daily, I decided to grab my iPad and make a few sketches of the loveliness at my fingertips.  I also took some pix of the stair stepping bottle tops — they deserve a painting on canvas!

stairs on my table

stairs on my table.