Tag Archives: realistic

A Year-long Painting Project is Completed!

After struggling (really, procrastinating) for over one year, I have finally finished a large oil painting, Mary’s Orchids. 

painting of orchid and pots

Mary’s Orchids.  Oil on linen, 2′ x 3′.

My sister Mary asked me to paint this work, requesting orchids, cherries, and a piece of pottery by Walter Anderson, the wonderful artist who lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast near our home.  She also asked for it to be sized at two feet by three feet.  Gulp.

I bought the canvas panel, arranged the elements in dozens of compositions before settling on this one, roughed out a drawing on the plastic wrapper of the panel, and then STOPPED.  I was intimidated by the difficulty of the composition and its sheer SIZE.  I hadn’t attempted anything that large since the portrait I did of our dad for his 90th birthday three years ago.

I have at least four pots of yellow orchids hanging around the house.  As each orchid lost its flowers, I’d buy another pot in the expectation that I’d be starting ‘soon’.  This went on for so long, the original orchid re-bloomed!  So I decided I better get cracking, especially after passing the one year mark.

Finally it is done, about to be varnished and shipped down to Mary in Houston, TX.  Whew.

If you’ve got an extra minute to spend, check out the site of the Walter Anderson Museum of Art in Ocean Springs, MS.  It’s a fabulous museum, built with my dad’s help, honoring a fabulous artist.






Calling Those Interested in iPad Art! Local Demos and Workshops!

Those of you in the Washington, DC area will have several opportunities to check out the iPad as a tool for making art during the next few months.

There will be manageable 2 1/2 hour workshops during which you can get a good feel for ‘what’s the big deal about iPad art’; ‘what if I don’t know anything about iPads’; or ‘what if I don’t know how to draw a straight line!’

And then, if you want to learn more, we offer a couple of day-long workshops during which you can explore some of the details of the intuitive ArtRage app for the iPad.

Here are some of the many uses you can make of ArtRage on the iPad (click image to enlarge):


My Local iPad Art Classes Reviewed in ArtRageUS Magazine!

Stepping back a bit more in time, I am happy to report that I’m now published (digitally, at least) in connection with my iPad art teaching activities. ArtRageUS, the online magazine for users of the ArtRage app, published an article about my efforts to bring iPad art to the Washington DC area in its Third Anniversary issue, March 2013.

Here’s the article, as well as a link to ArtRageUS, in case you’d like to peruse or subscribe.

Teaching and Being Taught in Lafayette

Last week I taught a one day iPad art workshop to a number of local artists in Lafayette LA and then attended a three-day workshop in watercolor journaling held by Don Getz and organized by my sister Ceci. Another sister, Mercedes, participated in much of the fun, including the iPad session. Since I was so close to home, Ceci and I swung over to Biloxi afterward to visit our dad and his wife and more brothers and sisters.

As for making art while out-of-town, I didn’t paint while teaching. And it was so cold and windy during the plein air workshop that I didn’t do anything of note then either. In fact, after a couple of watercolor/ink drawings, I resorted to my iPad to get something — anything — down before my hands went numb. Though everything is unfinished, I’ll show you the state of play (along with a few photos of what we were memorializing) so you can get a flavor for the beauty of Cajun country. Teaser: we painted the St. John Cathedral Oak, the third largest live oak in the country.

Newish iPad Fun

I’ve been distracted lately by a major house re-org, urged on by my selected ‘completion reward’: revamping my office area to include a nice, sunny area for painting. Yum. In the meantime, I’ve been teaching an iPad class and preparing for a trip to Lafayette, LA to teach a one-day iPad workshop and attend a four-day watercolor journaling workshop. More on that later.

I’ve done a few new iPad pieces over the last couple of months. Here they are:

Admiring Make Piece Pretties

Admiring Make Piece Pretties




Nudes in Charcoal

A couple of weekends ago, I spent a pleasant two days in lovely Tilghman Island, MD, at a figure drawing workshop offered by Walt Bartman, of the Yellow Barn Studio and Griffin Art Center. Walt’s wife Robin provided superb hospitality, while Walt kept the seven of us busy with charcoal, graphite and conte. Maria, a professional model par excellence, served as our muse. Here are a few of my sketches from the weekend.

IMG_6518 IMG_6523 IMG_6525 IMG_6528 IMG_6529 IMG_6533 IMG_6534

Thanksgiving in Santa Fe

With our two sons and their families, Pat and I spent a peaceful, beautiful and family-ful Thanksgiving in an 100 yr old adobe casa in Santa Fe. Max enjoyed sitting on the casa’s retro-fitted baseboard heating strips and charming everyone in sight. The rest of us enjoyed strolling around the lovely downtown area, hiking in the Bandelier National Monument, eating Southwestern cuisine and soaking up the art and culture.

While we were there, I painted an iPad image of the kiva fireplace in the casa. And since returning, have roughed out an image of the cliffs, fronted by trees, at Bandelier.


the kiva in the casa


Bandelier vista

Quick Sketches, Another Nude

Last week at the Yellow Barn, we were graced with a fit and angular male model, Wayne, who maintained a very difficult pose with few breaks.

I chose somewhat unconventional compositions. For the first, I was seated at roughly eye level, looking from the top of his head down the length of his prone body (he was laying atop a series of folding tables that seemed none too stable).

nude 1

For the second, which was done more quickly than the first, I sat behind Wayne, a vantage from which his body looked like a lanky wedge.

nude 2

From whatever angle, Wayne is a wonderful model.

Quick Sketches, Nudes

Working from a live model at the Yellow Barn, I made three quick iPad sketches week before last. I’m putting the best one first – you don’t need to look at the other two unless you REALLY want to.

nude 3

nude 2

nude 1

Fingerpainting Maria & Her Cool Sundress

Maria and her sassy sundress were posing at the Yellow Barn this afternoon. I think I’m getting hooked on using my iPad & ArtRage rather than those messy oils! Here’s the result of today’s session.

Maria in sundress

Maria models in her sundress.